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A girl, a woman. A passion, a dream. A story of beauty with a soul, a series of products with emotion and “intelligence”. And of course, consciousness.

Marialena Baklatzi, at a tender age, spends her time in the colourful, enchanting rose garden kept by her family. While the women of the house make rose water extracts for personal use, Marialena observes, records and slowly develops her love for nature and the treasures it has to offer.

Nevertheless, she will initially follow the usual, well-worn path. She studies Law in Athens, then Paris, and enjoys an extremely successful career in an established multinational company for several years. This further strengthens her initial dream, she acquires the experience, the knowledge and the confidence to take the next step and change her course! Next come the classes and practice in cosmetology, an in-depth study of raw materials, the ingredients and methods she would like to follow, and the first creams for friends and acquaintances are developed. More specifically, Marialena attends the Department of Cosmetology of the University of Athens, and receives certifications for producing and manufacturing natural face and body cosmetics, as well as for perfumery.

In 2017, while continuously studying the properties of the active natural ingredients, she begins to produce creams for her personal use. After three years of extensive research and development, in cooperation with an excellent team of internationally renowned scientists and dermatologists, MIELĒV takes centre stage in 2020, and her journey begins…

Welcome to the magical world of MIELĒV!

The Founder - Marialena Baklatzi